Cadillac Tax and Voluntary Benefits

The Kaiser Family Foundation estimates more than one in four employers offering health benefits could be subject to the Cadillac Plan tax in 2018, unless they make changes to their plans.  Also, they estimate that this number could grow to up to 30% in 2023 and 42% in...

RxCut – the equalizer in Health Care

NBP has recently partnered with RxCut to provide a no cost prescription discount card that can save up to 75% on prescription. The FREE RxCut® prescription savings card provides cardholders access to the absolute lowest price on their generic prescriptions; whether...

Call-A-Doctor-Plus just got better!

Introducing Health Advocate as the bundled EAP. Our NBP alliance partner, Call-A-Doctor-Plus (CADR+), has become a premier provider of direct access to doctors and professional health care service providers. Now, with the addition of Health Advocate work/life...